How Do You Cleanse Citrine?

Purify the citrine with sage, running water, sound, sunlight, or any other method you prefer. Then set it aside and let it air dry completely, turning it over from time to time. Hold it under water for a few seconds, then remove and polish dry.

Citrine can be cleansed with simple water, such as that from the tap. However, soap should be used sparingly in order to prevent strange reactions from degrading the stone. Clean citrine can be charged by exposing it to the natural light of the sun or moon.

Place the citrine in your bath and let it fill the water with your cleansing intent. The sun will further energize the cleansing water, and when the stone is cleansed, the sunlight will begin to charge the stone.

Again, as long as your crystals are not sensitive to light and water, you can soak the crystal in a bowl of sea salt and water and then place it in sunlight. You can also cleanse and charge crystals in the sun, but be aware that some crystals can tarnish in the sun, including Amethyst and Fluorite.

Preparing for Citrine Cleanses

You can also leave a bowl of water overnight on a full moon and then pour that water into a spray bottle and use it as a crystal cleaning spray. Ideally, you should leave the crystals under running water for an hour, but be careful not to do this with water-soluble crystals.

You can use most methods on most crystals, but since some crystals are water sensitive, you need to be careful what methods you use on them. However, since there are many ways to clean citrine crystals with water, knowing which methods work and which don’t is very important to prevent permanent damage to your stones.

Cleaning Citrine Citrine crystals don’t need to be cleaned as often as other crystals, but you can clean them if you’ve used them for a very good reason. Crystals that do not need to be refined are selenite, pure quartz, citrine, kyanite, and carnelian. Selenite is the perfect crystal to help purify other crystals such as citrine.

Natural Crystals Are Good with Water

Any natural crystal, such as citrine and those belonging to the quartz and calcite families, is safe to use with water. Since citrine belongs to the quartz family and is known to be a hard crystal, it is considered safe to submerge in water. As for citrine, its chemical composition is a silicate mineral with iron impurities, which means it can penetrate water without creating clouds of toxic gases.

Citrine can also be damaged by hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride, and alkaline solutions. Citrine can be safely washed with warm soapy water. You can still clean your citrine if you feel it’s necessary with warm water and mild soap. This stone must be washed and dried after cleaning to preserve the crystal. Steam cleaning is not recommended as citrine cannot be heated.

If you don’t have time to leave the citrine in a bowl of water for several hours, just run it under running water for a minute or two to quickly cleanse the crystal. As with all crystals and stones, we recommend cleaning Citrine under cold water every two weeks and charging it under a full moon. To cleanse and charge your citrine, we recommend using the moonlight or Himalayan salt method.

Assist Purification with Other Stones

If you want to cleanse citrine without water, we recommend that you use other purifying stones as an aid (such as selenite) or spend some time with the stone in meditation to purify it and return it to the place where it works with you. and for you. Another tip to keep in mind is never use the same water purification bowl for another citrine stone or other crystal after using it.

A safer way to use salt is to take a few grains of Himalayan salt in a bowl and place the citrine on it for 10-20 minutes, then rinse the crystal with clean water. We never use salt water to make crystals anyway, because dissolved salt can seep into tiny crevices, eventually weakening the stone and taking away its luster. When choosing this cleaning method, it is recommended to use only dry salt, as the crystals can be damaged if mixed with water for a long time.

Be Careful When Submerging the Crystal in Water

Prolonged immersion in a water bath or even a salt water bath can damage the durable crystal. Another thing water baths can do is ruin the surface of your crystal. While water is an excellent human cleanser, be careful when using water with stones as it can damage fragile or soft crystals. Another thing to keep in mind when cleaning the crystal is not to put the bowl of water in direct sunlight.

Hold them under the tap for a minute, immerse them in clean water and dry. Place the crystals and stones you want to cleanse and charge into a glass jar or bottle, then bury the crystal in the ground for about seven hours.

The water method we recommend is to dip the crystals in a bowl of plain water or keep them under running water for a while. A perfectly safe, quick and effective approach to cleaning citrine stone is to rinse it in running water for one minute, wipe it dry with a soft cloth, and then allow it to air dry.

High-vibration Crystals Can Invigorate Citrine’s Effects

You can use high vibration cleansing crystals like Clear Quartz, Selenite, Smoky Quartz to clean citrine stone. In addition to the practical benefits, cleaning your crystal jewelry is also recommended, as this will help connect with your citrine jewelry in person. Cleansing your crystal is not only effective for practical purposes, but can also help form a stronger bond with your citrine.

For this reason, it is highly recommended to remove all citrine jewelry before showering, as this can cause it to lose its rich color. Remember that it’s important to keep your citrine jewelry away from hot water.

Tips for Cleaning Citrine Crystals

The best way to clean citrine jewelry such as bracelets, necklaces, or rings is to practice smearing techniques (using sage, frankincense, or Palo Santo) or using other crystals, such as selenite. However, if your citrine has been stained or treated with crack fillers, you may want to avoid this process and choose another cleaning method.

When cleaning citrine crystals, you can use any jewelry cleaner or just mild soap and warm water and an old soft-bristled toothbrush. Once you have programmed your citrine for this purpose, you can reuse it in future baths without reprogramming.

To energize the cleansing process by focusing on sending positive intentions to the citrine crystal as you pass it through incense smoke, you can help release the crystal even faster and more effectively.

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