The Beginner’s Guide to Identifying Raw Moonstone

About Moonstone

Moonstone is a beautiful and mystical gemstone that has been appreciated for centuries for its ethereal and otherworldly appearance. It is a type of feldspar mineral that is characterized by its pearly or opalescent sheen, which gives it a unique and captivating look. Moonstone is often associated with the moon and is believed to have strong ties to feminine energy and intuition. It is commonly used in jewelry, and its popularity has grown in recent years due to its unique appearance and metaphysical properties.

Identifying Raw Moonstone

Identifying raw moonstone can be a rewarding and enjoyable endeavor, whether you are a gemstone enthusiast, a jeweler, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of natural materials. Raw moonstone can come in various colors, including white, peach, and grey, and it can exhibit different types of sheen and opalescence depending on its composition. In this beginner’s guide, we will discuss some of the key characteristics and features to look for when identifying raw moonstone.


One of the first things to consider when identifying raw moonstone is its color. Moonstone can come in a variety of hues, ranging from white and grey to peach and even blue. The color of moonstone is often determined by the presence of certain minerals and inclusions within the stone. For example, moonstone with a dominant white or grey color typically contains the mineral orthoclase, while peach and blue moonstone are often caused by the presence of other minerals such as albite and cordierite.

When identifying raw moonstone, it’s important to consider the overall color of the stone, as well as any undertones or variations present. Some moonstones may exhibit a play of color, which is the term used to describe the iridescent sheen or opalescence that is characteristic of the stone. This play of color can manifest as a blue or rainbow-like sheen that moves across the surface of the stone when it is viewed from different angles. Identifying these color properties can help distinguish raw moonstone from other similar-looking minerals.


Opalescence is a defining characteristic of moonstone and is what gives the stone its captivating, ethereal appearance. When identifying raw moonstone, it’s important to look for a distinct opalescent sheen that reflects light in a way that creates a soft, glowing effect. This opalescence is caused by the presence of tiny, closely packed layers of feldspar minerals within the stone, which scatter light and create the play of color that moonstone is known for.

To identify raw moonstone based on its opalescence, hold the stone up to a light source and observe the way the light reflects and refracts within the stone. Look for a soft, billowy sheen that moves across the surface, displaying hues of blue, silver, and sometimes even pink or yellow. This opalescent effect can vary in intensity and appearance depending on the type and quality of the moonstone, so it’s important to carefully observe the stone from different angles and under different lighting conditions.

Texture and Transparency

Another important aspect to consider when identifying raw moonstone is its texture and level of transparency. Moonstone is typically a translucent to opaque stone, meaning that it allows light to pass through to some degree, but not fully. When identifying raw moonstone, pay attention to its surface texture and the way it interacts with light. High-quality moonstone will have a smooth, polished surface with a reflective quality that enhances its opalescent sheen.

In terms of transparency, raw moonstone can vary from nearly transparent to completely opaque, with different levels of translucency in between. Some moonstones may have a cloudy or milky appearance due to the presence of inclusions or internal fractures, which can affect their overall transparency and visual appeal. When identifying raw moonstone, consider the stone’s clarity and how it affects the way light passes through and interacts with the stone. This can help you determine the quality and value of the moonstone you are examining.


Identifying raw moonstone can be a fascinating and rewarding experience, especially for those who appreciate the natural beauty and mystique of gemstones. By paying attention to the color, opalescence, and texture of moonstone, you can learn to distinguish this unique and enchanting stone from others. Whether you are a collector, a jeweler, or simply someone who loves gemstones, understanding how to identify raw moonstone can deepen your appreciation for this timeless and mystical gem.

Identifying Quality Raw Moonstone

When it comes to identifying the quality of raw moonstone, there are a few factors to consider. One of the most important things to look for is the overall clarity of the stone. High-quality moonstone will have a translucent appearance, allowing light to pass through and create a beautiful iridescence. In addition to clarity, color is also a key factor in determining the quality of raw moonstone. The most prized moonstones exhibit a blue sheen, known as adularescence, which is caused by light scattering from within the stone. Stones with a strong, vibrant sheen are considered to be of the highest quality. It’s also important to consider the cut of the stone, as well as any visible imperfections or inclusions that may affect its overall appearance and value.

Moonstone Varieties

While most people are familiar with the classic white or blue moonstone, there are actually several different varieties of this beautiful gemstone. One of the most popular varieties is rainbow moonstone, which exhibits a stunning array of colors, including blue, green, and pink. Another variety to look out for is peach moonstone, which features a warm, peachy hue. Black moonstone is another unique variety, known for its dark, mysterious appearance. Each variety of moonstone has its own unique characteristics and coloration, making them all highly sought after by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts.

Uses for Raw Moonstone

Raw moonstone is a versatile gemstone that can be used in a variety of ways. One of the most popular uses for raw moonstone is in jewelry making. Its unique iridescence and beautiful colors make it a popular choice for creating stunning rings, necklaces, and earrings. In addition to jewelry, raw moonstone can also be used in decorative items such as sculptures, figurines, and home decor accents. Its natural beauty and mystical properties make it a popular choice for artisans and craftspeople looking to incorporate a touch of magic into their creations. Moonstone is also believed to have healing properties, and is often used in crystal healing practices to promote emotional balance and healing.

Caring for Raw Moonstone

To ensure that your raw moonstone maintains its beauty and luster, it’s important to take proper care of it. When cleaning raw moonstone, it’s best to use a mild soap and warm water, and to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives that could damage the stone. When storing raw moonstone, it’s best to keep it in a soft cloth pouch or lined jewelry box to prevent scratches and damage. It’s also important to avoid exposing raw moonstone to extreme heat or direct sunlight, as this can cause fading and discoloration. With proper care and maintenance, raw moonstone can remain a beautiful and cherished gemstone for years to come.

Identifying Quality Moonstone

When it comes to identifying raw moonstone, the first step is to consider its quality. High-quality moonstone will have a distinct blue shimmer, known as adularescence, that gives it a magical, ethereal appearance. This phenomenon is caused by light scattering between microscopic layers of feldspar within the stone. The more pronounced the adularescence, the higher the quality of the moonstone. Additionally, high-quality moonstone should have a smooth and polished surface, free of any visible cracks or impurities.

Color Variations

One of the most fascinating aspects of moonstone is its wide range of color variations. While the most common color is white to beige, moonstone can also be found in shades of peach, grey, and even green. Some moonstones may also exhibit a phenomenon known as schiller, which is a unique sheen caused by light scattering between overlapping layers of feldspar. When identifying raw moonstone, it’s important to consider the color and any unique visual effects it may exhibit, as this can greatly impact its value and desirability.

Feldspar Content

Moonstone is a type of feldspar mineral, and its quality can be determined by the content of feldspar within the stone. For example, a higher percentage of albite, a type of feldspar, can result in a higher-quality moonstone with a more pronounced adularescence. In addition to albite, moonstone may also contain orthoclase and other feldspar minerals. By examining the feldspar content of a raw moonstone specimen, it is possible to gain insight into its quality and potential value.

Authenticity and Sources

Another important factor in identifying raw moonstone is its authenticity and source. Moonstone is commonly found in India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and other regions known for producing high-quality gemstones. When purchasing raw moonstone, it’s important to verify its authenticity by obtaining a certificate of authenticity from a reputable gemstone dealer. In addition, understanding the source of the moonstone can provide valuable insight into its quality and potential value. For example, moonstones from Sri Lanka are highly prized for their superior adularescence and overall quality.


Identifying raw moonstone requires a keen eye for quality, color, feldspar content, and authenticity. By carefully examining these factors, it is possible to determine the value and desirability of a raw moonstone specimen. Whether you are a collector, jeweler, or simply an enthusiast of gemstones, understanding how to identify raw moonstone is an invaluable skill that can enhance your appreciation and knowledge of this enchanting and mystical gemstone.

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